Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thursday Tea Time

All these boxes of tea bags have fallen about the back shelves of my pantry long enough. The temperatures are now compatible to the thought of drinking something hot would actually be desirable and soothing. Now I can begin to drink my way through all these boxes and report which are keepers and which are not.

This week -- Celestial Seasonings Chocolate Caramel Enchantment Chai. Why did I grab this box first? For starters - Chocolate! Then - Caramel! And Enchantment is always a good word in my vocabulary.

Cost: $2.04 at Super Target
Number of teabags: 20 in paper perforating double teabags.
Caffeine: Yes
Type of tea: Black
Steeping time: 4 minutes
Double Dipper potential: Yes
I used the teabag successfully a second time later in the day without any noticeable difference in strength.
Mix ins: Sugar, whole milk (Yes, I know - whole milk in a skim milk house? I have hidden the quart bottle towards the back of the refrigerator. It does make a difference in the body - the tea's, not mine hopefully!)
Teabag fragrance: Spicy, you can really detect the nutmeg and pepper upon first whiff.
Ingredients: Black tea, spices (cinnamon, ginger, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, black pepper and Chinese star anise), roasted carob, natural chocolate and caramel flavors with other natural flavors, roasted chicory and cocoa.
Taste: Sweet with a hint of chocolate
My opinion: Like drinking dessert! This will definitely take the edge of any sweet treat cravings and give you a boost of caffeine, too.
Would I go back and buy another box? Yes
Rating: 5 teabags out of 5

1 comment:

  1. HI Peggy!!! Nothing like a good cup of tea!!! Usually around 4ish... after school and during homework time I enjoy one!

    Looks like you have LOTS to choose from!

    Lala :o)


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