Tuesday, September 29, 2009


1. Girl Scouts
From Brownies to Juniors to Cadettes to Seniors to the new highest level, Ambassadors. 27 Try-It's...58 merit badges...10 Interest Projects. A rotation as the Girl Scout representative on the Council's Board of Directors. From the Bronze Award to the GOLD AWARD! Girl Scouting has been an important part of my daughter's life (and mine). The experiences, skills and friendships are life-long.
2. Great friends
Current and passed. How many times have I started to email or call one who is no longer here? Just an Earthly reminder to always treasure and maintain our friendships. As the Girl Scout song goes, "Make new friends, but keep the old...one is silver and the other gold"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peggy!!! I remember vividly standing in a circle... arms crossed in front holding hands with the other girls and reciting the GS creed and singing the song at the beginning of each meeting!

    I think my Mother still has my sash somewhere... *good memories*

    Lala :o)


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