Sunday, August 30, 2009

Whack Job - Burda 7925

Updated! This Burda 7925 top has sat in my closet unworn most of last summer...and all of this summer. Yesterday in quiet desperation of laundry piles and something to wear, I pulled it from the closet. Somehow the length still didn't look right - especially with shorts or a denim skirt. I folded it to a more flattering length and decided to lose 5 inches right then and there. Unfortunately not from my body - that takes longer than running to the sewing room for a quick session with scissors, serger, sewing machine and iron. Less than 30 minutes later, I was out the door feeling fashionably recycled.


  1. The shortened version really looks good on you. Great save.

  2. Wouldn't that be awesome if we could lose f inches by running to the sewing room! Just think how slender we would all be :-) I think the new length is very flattering and was a good choice.


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