Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Oh no, not again!

For those of you playing along at home, the score has been evened - two new replacement bumpers for both the front and the back.

Someone plowed into me yesterday from behind while I was at a stoplight. My first thought was, "my new license plates!" But they survived. Unfortunately, the back bumper, muffler, alignment and rear wheel took the hit instead. Along with the back of my head from the headrest. Ow! Toyotas make very good bumpers, they just tend to pop away and for safety issues cannot be repaired, only replaced. The other car was much worse - the impact crumpled the hood, broke the headlights and punctured the radiator. Point Toyota! As you can imagine, L is in no hurry to get her driver's license! But she will remember that very good rule -- leave enough space between you and the car ahead so you can see their license plate/bumper -- which saved my car from hitting the one in front of me - and another bumper!

5-15-09 update -- My car is back, yay! Hard to believe it was almost $3,100 in damage!

Next up - my rental car review. Suffice to say I "Escape"d instead and did not take the Chevy Aveo that was proferred to me!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peggy!!! OH NO... I'm glad you weren't hurt (except for a little headache)... YEP... my Dad's #1 RULE... a CARLENGTH between you and the person in front of you... I guess livin' in a small town isn't so bad... we consider 5 cars in a row at a light to be "traffic"... LOL...

    Lala :o)
    I'm going to check out TMC channel... I LOVE old flicks!!! :o)


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