Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another flop - Baked Egg Rolls

Baked Egg Rolls -- From the Taste of Home Cooking School - Spring 2009 issue, page 25. One hint should have been it was not one of the featured Cooking School items. I was so optimistic these would turn out and be added to The Notebook. Instead, it was trashed. Was it the filling? I used leftover rotissierie chicken and instead of a broccoli stir fry blend, Costco's Organic mixed vegetables. My thinking was "chicken pot pie in an egg roll" Maybe it was the egg roll wrapper. There was only one kind at my grocery store, so choice was not an option. When baked at 425 for 12 minutes, it became not crunchy but rather hard. The seasonings? The only change I made was using 3 teaspoons of reduced sodium soy sauce instead of 4 1/2. Sesame oil? Ginger? Garlic? We were oddly thirsty afterwards. On the positive side, I learned how to roll an egg roll. I'll just need to look for another filling recipe, not any time soon.

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