Monday, March 09, 2009

Signs of Spring

One word for this - AH-CHOO! I think the red oak will be finished leafing and pollinating by the end of the week. Relief!

My Indian Hawthorne bloomed! Proof. I call it my "Charlie Brown" bush. It's over 22 years old and doesn't look it. Except old. It also got pretty beat up by Ike (the salty wind turned the remaining leaves bag brown), but it's a survivor. Other Hawthornes may grow faster, be bigger, greener, have more leaves and blooms, but I just can't pull the root on this guy.

Outside the kitchen, Oxalis clover - third generation! Another trooper, it was hiding under leaf and roof debris. T uncovered it when he trimmed the Thraylis to make room for the basil.

Cherry Blossom Salvias. I first planted it over ten years ago! To say it is gorgeous, prolific and a reseeder would be an understatement. It is disease-resistant, can take the heat and gumbo soil and keep on blooming at least 10 months of the year in Houston. If you would like some of the seeds in the next few weeks, drop me an email and I'll send you some (US addresses only because of postage and the Department of Agriculture and Customs).

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