Monday, March 23, 2009

Money Monday - Urawaza!

I first heard of the Japanese word Urawaza - meaning clever tips and tricks - when I read Paul Boutin's article in the February 19 Circuits section of the New York Times. He listed several neat low-tech fixes for high-tech problems. My favorite was using your head (literally) to extend the range of your remote car door opener by holding the metal part of the key fob against your chin and then pressing the button, turning your head into an antenna to make the signal go a little bit farther! And Lisa Katayama is the author of "Urawaza," a collection of clever (and cheap) ways to solve problems with what you have on hand. Anything you can do to make something work better and last a little longer is a great way to save money.


  1. Hi Peggy!!! LOL... um... I wonder how my mercury based fillings would react to my garage door opener being activated while holding it under my chin??? I'll just keep wondering... LOL... although the WORD... URAWAZA is just FABULOUS (and SUPER FUN to say!)!!!

    You know... you can ALWAYS tame a misbehaving "kitty" with a squirt of water from a spraybottle... *wink*... better safe than sorry

    Lala :o)

  2. Didn't think about those fillings - I think they would help the cause for sure. Reminds me of when I had a mouth full of braces (METAL - not like the small cool ones L has in color yet!) Do you remember the episode of the Partridge Family when Susan Dey/Laurie was hearing music through them?! Voices, songs and now remote control. Spooky sci-fi or serious psychiatric stuff?


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