Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pilgrim & Mills Pants #2

No, I haven't made them. But at our ASG Neighborhood (Support) Group meeting last night we had a swapping table. I brought these and some other patterns and goodies to give first dibs to a sewist who would appreciate them before taking to Goodwill. I can't for the life of me understand why no one wanted these, can you?! This morning I tried Googling the pattern and the designers and nothing came up. I was curious to see Pants #1. Circa 1995, these pants were popular on Prodigy (remember that?!) and the Quiltropolis Sewing List and Wearable Arts Sewing Groups. I had printed off the pages with others variations, just in case. (The pockets do not stick out as shown on the drawing, in the photo the top of the pocket opening is at the knee.) Now I'm looking at them again and wondering, hmm... You do see these pockets and loose styling on recent patterns - Sandra Betzina and Marcy Tilton have versions, albeit a little more subdued. I did get rid of 15 other patterns, but think I'll keep this one around a little longer until it surfaces again. It still looks funky and fun - and stash reducing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peggy... Um... those are "Hammer Pants" right??? Remember... "Can't touch this" da da da dum... "Can't Touch this"... LOL... yep... they WERE popular...

    OMG... I think I just "dated" myself...

    Lala :o)


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