Thursday, January 01, 2009

Headstart Christmas 2009

What I didn't have time to finish (OK, begin) for Christmas 2008, I now have a headstart for Christmas 2009! Before I repacked and reshuffled my Christmas fabric containers, I wanted to try these tiny stockings. After making these two, it would definitely be a production sewing-style project. Very cute for ornaments, garland, even gift cards (just make them a tad wider). They measure just under 6" tall. I thought the pinked edge was a nice touch and eliminated the extra step to turn inside out after sewing. And even easier - the heel and toe are fused to the stocking with paper-backed fusible web. The project is from Country Woman Christmas 1999, on page 92


  1. Those stockings are so cute. And what a great idea to start on some now while the fabric is still out. Hmmm - I might have to do that. Beth

  2. What a good idea. They're really cute and would use up all my scraps!


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