Sunday, January 11, 2009

Apple Pudding Cake

Apple Pudding Cake -- From the January 2009 issue of Southern Living, page 134. (click link for the recipe) You'll also find on the same page their fudgy chocolate pudding cake (Hot Fudge Brownie Cake). But the apple version caught my eye instead. Different! And I'm sorry, as much as I love chocolate, I always think I'm eating unbaked goo.

I used one of Costco's big bubba size Granny Smith apples. If you just have regular medium size, use two. Next time I may even up the apple to two and cut them chunkier. I also used Pioneer's Pancake Mix. First for a home state (San Antonio) shout-out, and secondly it was much lower in fat and sugar than the others. And I used Penzeys Ceylon Cinnamon. The baking dish was slightly larger and more rectangle than the called-for 8" square. It also baked just a little bit faster and you still had a good amount of sauce to spoon over each serving.

Our verdict, everyone loved it and it was immediately torn out of the magazine and put in my recipe binder. It's like a hybrid apple pie/cake/cobbler, without all the fuss. And of course it goes without saying, but I will, serve with a nice scoop of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Light Ice Cream!

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