Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Another Place in Time Christmas

Weren't you surprised this year at the Christmas merchandise -- selection and prices, especially?! Last year we found some cute ornaments, cards and decorations at Target - this year the prices seem higher, the selection lower. Disappointing! But enter the smaller and independent retailers and you'll find treasure and great prices. Last week at Another Place in Time, all Christmas items were already marked down 25% - 33% this week! They still had a great offering of goodies, L and I must have spent 30 minutes in the gift shop house ooing and ahing over everything. The tree at the top of my page is from there and it was less than $5. Way cheaper and cuter than anything Target had. This candle holder was less than $4; and they have a great new holiday scent in their square candle section - "Monterey Pine" No gaggy Pine-Sol/run-from-the-room-holding-your-nose-and-mouth scent here, it's lovely. One of their employees is battling cancer, and owner Mike Lowery is having a Holiday Open House this Sunday, December 21, from 6 PM to 9 PM to help raise money for her treatment. Ticket prices are $10 and well worth the cost of admission to be able to view and enjoy a Houston Heights home lavishly decorated with over 200 Santas, 2,500! Christmas ornaments on 6 trees! Judging by what they sell in the shop, I can't even begin to imagine his personal collection! You can purchase tickets at Another Place in Time or at the door. Call 713/864-9717 or email at info@anotherplaceintime for more information.
Update 01-02-09 - Over $11,000 was raised and Lynn Huber was able to begin her chemotherapy treatment on New Year's Eve!!

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