Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Giving It

Houston is lucky to have more than one animal rescue agency, and I like to support the "underdog" so to speak - the Houston Human Society Unlike the SPCA, the Houston Humane Society is a local, not national organization and supported entirely by donations -- money, food, supplies, etc. I just dropped off an armful of old towels, still nice in the middle but starting to fray a little along the edges. The Costco towels are wonderful, but that edge is so thick, my sewing machine can't zig-zag over it without protesting. For $5, I'll get new ones, keep from destroying my machine and give the old ones to the doggies and kitties... In addition to towels, they can also use dry and wet food (adult dog and cat, puppy and kitten), collars, treats, toys, rugs, pet shampoo and brushes, cleaning supplies and newspaper.

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