Monday, April 14, 2008

Burda 7824 Young Fashion Teen Top - View B

This Burda 7824 top is just pretty! Pretty on the hanger, pretty to wear. The combination of styling, fabric (Jo-Ann's sheer ocean gray blue with "velvet" flocked circles and ovals -on the rounders near the store entrance and I believe still on sale 40% or 50% off- and the mother-of-pearl shell buttons made a perfect top for my Pisces girl!

However, it is short. If you are petite, this is good to go for you straight out of the envelope. Look at the model, even she is leaning to one side to make it appear longer. Same with View A. L's version is with 1-1/2" added, and the next go-round I'll add another 1-1/2 inches.
Another styling detail not obviously evident on the pattern envelope is the two-piece overlay over the front bottom. A nice surprise -- the technical drawing made us think it was another belly flasher.
Even with all the cool detailing, it went together easily in an afternoon. Surprisingly this fabric wasn't a *$%#@ to sew. It behaved nicely despite the sheerness. The only thing I didn't do was interface the front button placket. My intention was to just sew the buttons on; however, I had to sew a snap underneath the top button for ease of getting on and off. The other two buttons are sewn through.

We'll definitely make it again with the extra length, and perhaps even playing with different fabric combinations for the overlay. Another Burda winner!

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