Friday, September 07, 2007

A little disappointing

Tim Gunn's new show, Guide to Style. I thought it would be so much better. I just caught the repeat this morning as I had to miss the debut because of Parents' Night. Difficult to determine which was harder to deal with in retrospect. (I tell you, the bons mots from last night would make a really good reality TV show! DH had to go last year and I believe he is still recovering. Thank goodness only two more years of this...I'm sure my daughter thinks so, too.) But, back to Tim. That Veronica Webb scares me. So did the lifestyle coach. Totally unnecessary, both of them. More Tim, less show. A half hour would have been fine. Zip, zip, done! No underwear drawer rooting around. No shameless tear-jerking "platinum diamond ring" product placement promotion. Though I did like the PR Catherine Malodrino reunion, and that dress! What would have been better Bravo product placement? Seeing the people and clothes from former PR contestants who have gone on to success - Emmett, Chloe, Kara Janx... I'll watch the future episodes and cross my fingers they "made it work."

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