Sunday, September 02, 2007

Creating Romantic Purses

Creating Romantic Purses - Patterns & Instructions for unique handbags by Marilyn Green & Carole Cree. 2006, $24.95 ISBN: 1-4027-2517-5 Library Call No. 646.48
Need ideas and inspiration? This is a great book for a flip-through, filled with romantic and heavily embellished purses. The color photographs are of the finished purse only. No close-ups of steps along the way. It does include the 20 (!) patterns in the back section, however they are enlargeable kind. And if you have an older printer with limited enlargement capabilities, you may have difficulty enlarging them 167%, 200%, 250%, 285%, 300%, 335%. 400% without having to make a trip and spending the money at Kinko's. Unique combinations (green pom-poms with leapord print?!) will serve as a catalyst to your own creativity.
Buy or Borrow? For me, Borrow. If you are purse-y, a Buy.

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