Saturday, July 28, 2007

Mood Lifter

Grab a shovel! You can always tell when I haven't been sewing for awhile and the mood gets dark. Things start piling up on the cutting table, the ironing board, sewing chair, FLOOR!...until I've literally built a barricade. So this morning I started with little things - mending pants, a shirt button - not exactly fun, but it turned on the lights and my sewing machine. Then all the patterns scattered nilly-willy, finally filed away. A lot easier to find when they are where they belong instead of underneath 5 yards of sueded khaki twill (egads! That went on a hanger and in the closet). Finally I put back the bits of fabric used for previous projects in their Tuppermaid boxes. Tah-dah! A cleared room and sewing motivation. I found all kinds of projects I want to make-which for the forest and the trees, couldn't be inspiring me amongst it all.

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