Well, you've got to give us credit for trying, but we've withdrawn the life support for the Putt. Last week it started stalling again, a different way (now something else evidently no longer works)... A 20 minute commute should not take 40 minutes. And the engine dying at 35 mph (no more highway driving?!) and fortunately finding strip malls and driveways to glide into is no fun. First day - a fluke, a second day - life-endangering. No thirds, no thanks.
The new car is currently Dad's, but will eventually be L's when she leaves for college. and then as reward for Good Dadsmanship and driving crappy cars since like forever, he'll get his truck. . .
Oh, and this is the 7th car I've bought on my own, and with L after she was born. It's good for her to know that women can buy cars. And besides, my husband hates to tag along and see the salesmen cry!
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