Sunday, March 18, 2007

Weekend Garden Update

Latest acquisition -- "Butterfly Blue" Scabiosa columbaria - ugly name for such a pretty flower! Lavender blue flowers above lacy dark green foliage attracts butterflies and makes a good cut flower. Was the 2000 Perennial Plant of the Year!

And look who made a comeback --


Our 20-year old Indian Hawthorne. This is a glamour shot, it really looks a little pathetic. We keep nursing it along, It gets easily over-shadowed by the other larger plants. Maybe this will be its summer to get some growth on!
Pink Star Jasmine, side view --

Transplanted from a larger backyard bush cutting two years ago, this dewberry is taking off this year. Hubby still dreams of dewberry pie. We are lucky to get 1 or 2 berries; just before perfect ripeness, the birdies swoop and pluck...

Club Fig still leafing out. It was a gorgeous day yesterday, look at the sky!

This rose bush blooms continuously. We bought it outside of Austin.

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