Friday, March 09, 2007

Today's Favorite iPod Workout Songs

Bob Welch, "Ebony Eyes' 3:32
Absolutely the Best of Classic Rock

I should call this "Allergy Eyes" today. When the weatherman says "Tree Pollen Extremely Heavy" believe him and don't believe that any amount of protective nose spray and eye drops can defend that pollen onslaught! I cross my index fingers in an X when I drive by those *$#@^& Redbud trees...

Thompson Twins, "Lay Your Hands on Me" 4:04
Thompson Twins: Greatest Hits
Good beat for a "keep on going!" song around a lagging Lap 10...

Cool down:
Fleetwood Mac, "Everywhere" 3:41
The Very Best of Fleetwood Mac

Today's stats: Looky! -- 55 minutes, 3.25 miles, 364 calories
Perhaps there is something to be said for the drops and spray.

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