Saturday, February 24, 2007

Today's Favorite iPod Workout Songs

Dan Hartman, "Instant Replay" 5:20
iTunes, "Keep the Fire Burnin'" CD
Back in 1978, my friends and I would go to the "VI" on the weekends. Yes, I loved to disco and still remember most of the moves to this song. And the swirly red dress I made with this pattern - the ruffled skirt with the ruffled top. Fun!
Scandal, "Goodbye to You" 3:46
iTunes, "We are the 80's"
Got dance-y with this one too, in '82. (No pattern available)

Cool down song:
Sting, "When We Dance" 5:59
from the "Best of Sting" CD

Today's stats: 46 minutes, 2.78 miles, 288 calories

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